Earlier this year, on August 28, 2024, Ghent played host to 20 students from around the world, offering them a firsthand glimpse into the possibilities of urban logistics via waterways. The visit, part of the Urban Logistics Summer School organized by the University of Antwerp’s Department of Transport and Regional Economics (TPR), was led by Peter Geirnaert (Urban Waterway Logistics and Opleidingscentrum voor Hout en Bouw) and Tom Pauwels (POM Oost-Vlaanderen).
During their visit, the students toured two urban vessels and delved into a range of topics that are central to the InnoWaTr project. Highlights included:
- The unique features of Ghent’s urban freight vessels.
- The potential of highly autonomous sailing and its role in the future of logistics.
- The importance of economic assessments in building stakeholder confidence.
- The value of test sailings to showcase feasibility and inspire action.
- Addressing resistance to change, or “status quo bias,” among stakeholders.
- Applications in construction logistics, waste management, and short food supply chains.
- Operational challenges such as water depth, bridge and lock navigation, passenger traffic, and optimizing loading and unloading infrastructure.
The event provided the students with practical insights into the complexities and opportunities of sustainable urban freight systems, while showcasing Ghent as a hub for innovative waterway logistics.
This inspiring visit was made possible by the efforts of Peter Geirnaert, Tom Pauwels, and contributors like Joris Beckers and Michael Geeraert, who included the event in the Summer School program.