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Starting signal for Green Teams given

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Starting signal for Green Teams given

    Empowering local authorities and regions to work on climate adaptation cost-effectively and proactively. That is the idea behind the Green Team project that kicked of yesterday in Antwerp. Eleven partners in the North Sea Region joined forced to develop, test and implement the Green Team methodology.  

    Local governments are responsible for the design and management of public spaces. Teams work on road infrastructure, greenery, sewage systems, utility connections, etc. They are all experts in their area but lack the time, knowledge, or tools to work on climate adaptation simultaneously. Without structural support, money is lost and opportunities missed.  

    Green Team to the rescue

    A Green Team methodology consists of strategies to embed climate adaptation into the organisational structure of local governments and to efficiently utilise resources. This involves exploring how a structural, cross-departmental approach can stimulate awareness, collaboration, and effectiveness. Next, the public investment planning of several pilot municipalities is screened for green-blue linkage opportunities and quick wins, such as planned street or sewage works. With this roadmap, other authorities can also get started in the future. The final strategy focuses on knowledge exchange with the broader sector of contractors, architects, and green managers. 

    Interreg North Sea Region

    The Green Team project is funded by the European Union through the Interreg North Sea Region programme. 11 partners from Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany will have the next 3.5 years to develop and roll out the methodology. Province of Antwerp is lead partner for the project. Each partner is contributing specific expertise: 

    • Province of Antwerp, Hoogheemraadschap van Schieland en de Krimpenerwaard, Landkreis Emsand, Vereniging Voor Openbaar Groen and Stichting Adaptatie Atelier have experience in supporting and motivating local governments in terms of climate policy.  
    • The local authorities of Putte, Middelburg and Papenburg will co-create, test, validate and implement the Green Team methodology. 
    • The University of Dortmund is developing strategies to improve cooperation between and across different departments.  
    • The International Federation of Landscape Architects and Vereniging Openbaar connect the supply and demand sides of climate-resilient public spaces.