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Tirza & Magali of the province of Antwerp

Meet the partner - Province of Antwerp

Tirza & Magali of the province of Antwerp
2 minutes

Each newsletter, you get to meet one of our 11 partners. First of: the Province of Antwerp, lead partner of the Green Team project.

Who are you? 

“We are Magali and Tirza from the Province of Antwerp. This regional authority, located in Belgium plays a crucial role in supporting local administrations. We support our 69 municipalities on themes like leisure, environmental quality, mobility, economy, public space and education. There is also a dedicated climate team, of which we are a part.  


Why did you join this project? 

“Through our contact with municipalities we saw that climate adaptation is often carried out on an ad hoc basis. This approach leads to missed opportunities and additional costs.  Another problem is that despite the abundance of available information, people often do not know where to find it. To address and improve this situation, we started the Green Team project. Our aim is to develop and implement a methodology that supports local governments in an integral and (cost-)efficient approach to designing and managing future proof public spaces.” 


What has been a highlight for you? 

“One of the most rewarding aspects of this project has been the international collaboration and the enthusiasm of all the partners. As lead partner it is our job to foster this collaboration and that's not always easy. So we are happy to see that our work pays off.  And hearing the positive feedback from our pilot projects (Lighthouses) about the tangible benefits of our initiatives is very inspiring.” 


What are you looking forward to? 

“We are eager to see our first products completed and disseminated. Sharing our knowledge beyond our immediate circle to other interested parties is a key goal and something to look forward too. We are also excited to witness the initial steps taken by the Lighthouses, as this will demonstrate real progress. Ultimately, we hope to see Green Teams popping up all across Europe. 


When will this project be a success? 

“We are successful when our Lighthouses have established effective, integrated teams and are tackling their projects using climate-adaptive, green-blue approaches. And when we have inspired more local governments to integrate climate adaptation in their DNA.” 

Meet the partner - Tirza & Magali

Meet the partner - Tirza & Magali from the Province of Antwerp