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General Assembly IFLA EU

Green Team promoted at Landscape Architecture conference in Hungary

General Assembly IFLA EU
3 minutes

The 35th IFLA Europe General Assembly and Regional Conference took place from 17 to 20 October 2024 in Budapest, Hungary. This annual landscape architecture event was attended by more than 100 participants from the field. En there, the Green Team project was promoted!

Written by Daniela Micanovic 

The General Assembly and Regional Conference were hosted and co-organised by Tajepiteszek, Hungarian Association of Landscape Architecture and MATE Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. 


More than 100 participants attended the General Assembly and Conference, including local and international audiences, policymakers, professionals, and practitioners from various sectors, delegates and presidents of 34 national associations of landscape architecture, as well as members of the IFLA Europe Executive Council, working groups, members of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, ELASA – European Landscape Architecture Students’ Association, and other interested parties. 


The annual landscape architecture event started with a Regional Conference on topic ‘Plan(e)Tscape’. Addressing landscape architecture as a profession deeply rooted in nature, the event intended to draw attention to the multifunctionality of plants, their diverse application possibilities, and to all the positive ways of thinking with which we can achieve meaningful results in the fight against contemporary environmental challenges. We believe that innovative and thoughtful use of plants can help landscape architects significantly contribute to a sustainable and healthy vision for our Plan(e)tscape. 


Environmental challenges, climate change, and urban living conditions compel us to prioritize nature beyond just its aesthetic value. In design, planning and management of landscapes, landscape architects face a contemporary challenge to repurpose our cities: to design with nature and introduce a more natural shape for cities, utilizing nature-based solutions and thus bringing cities function closer to the cycles of nature. As landscape architects, we share our knowledge and build capacity to develop nature-based solutions. We design urban areas to be more sustainable and resilient, manage stormwater runoff to reduce flooding and water pollution, enhance biodiversity, mitigate the urban heat island effect, improve mental health, and foster social interaction, all contributing to community well-being.  

Presenting Green Team in Hungary

Daniela Micanovic and André Colin presenting Green Team

Daniela Micanovic presented the project “Green Teams - Improved governance mechanisms for integrated and pro-active climate adaptation planning in public spaces.” financed by Interreg North Sea. She informed the participants about the overall objective - to develop strategies to integrate climate adaptation into the multi-year public investment planning, public procurement and the organisational structure of municipalities and to fine-tune these developed strategies with other facilitators, maintainers and end-users of public spaces.  


She invited members of National Associations in the North Sea Region to get more involved and contribute to this important project. Their expertise in landscape architecture can provide best practices, facilitate cross-sectoral learning, and promote networking between governments and key stakeholders in climate adaptation and the creation of resilient public spaces. 


IFLA Europe is proud partner of the Green Team project. More info on can be found on their website.