About the area
Flood risks in this area
The main flood threat in Zeeland comes from the sea. A significant part of the province lies below sea level. Dikes, dams, and dunes protect the land and the people. In 1953, the dikes broke in several places, resulting in the loss of nearly 2,000 lives in Zeeland and the surrounding areas. Although the water defenses are in good condition today, a devastating flood could happen again.
Contribution of the FIER project to this area
Evacuation and recovery plans in Zeeland can be significantly improved. Currently, flood resilience and evacuation capacity are given little consideration when designing roads. By incorporating these factors in road design, movement of people and goods will go more smoothly. Additionally, recovery efforts primarily focus on heavily flooded areas. By developing plans for the restoration of dry or lightly flooded areas, these regions can quickly become livable again after a disaster.