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Ready for future floods

An EU-funded transnational innovation project which aims to increase the resilience of society and minimise the impact of flood crises. 

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Be ready. Be FIER!

We will develop routines and tools to enable governments, crisis management organisations, and citizens in the North Sea Region to better prepare for, respond to, and recover from climate-induced floods by 2027​

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The Interreg North Sea project FIER aims to enhance societal resilience for and limit the impact of climate-induced floods. 

This will be achieved by bolstering crisis management infrastructure. Crucial ingredients in developing a more complete Multi-Layer Safety Approach. 

Drawing from past EU projects and recent crises, FIER will develop new and innovative action plans and robust frameworks tailored to the North-Sea Region. By the project end, participating regions aim to see a significant boost in societal resilience and enhanced flood management capability.

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Project focus

  1. Raise awareness and promote self-efficacy for climate-induced flood crises among local authorities and society


  2. Improve the emergency response of crisis managing organisations to prepare and act during a climate-induced flood crisis


  3. Enhance capacities for resilient recovery after climate-induced floods

Project areas

Ten partners from five different countries around the North Sea Region have teamed up and established FIER to increase the resilience of society and minimise the impact of climate-induced floods. These partners are located in diverse areas with varying risks of flooding.

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