It's time to reveal the FIER identity! Join us as we take you through the creative journey that shaped the project's design. FIER stands for Flooding, Infrastructure, Evacuation and Resilience and is an Interreg North Sea Program project, co-funded by the European Union.

The reveal!
A strong and recognizable visual identity is essential for fostering resilience and awareness among several stakeholder groups regarding climate-induced floods.
The FIER logo visualizes the main objective of the project and brings the conversation about floods to the forefront. The chosen font, Cabinet Grotesk, has a clear connection to the powerful wave depicted in the logo. It radiates decisiveness and self-confidence while maintaining a friendly touch. The friendly, contrasting wave movements can be seen in the letters, connecting seamlessly to the FIER icon.

Ready for future floods
Beneath the FIER logo, you find the tagline: “Ready for Future Floods” which connects the current situation with the future and encourages proactive steps. The wording was intentionally selected. "Ready" indicates that action must be taken, while "future" focuses on a plausible emergency situation that could occur due to climate change. Lastly, "floods" is a generic term that encompasses various water-related challenges. Overall, it’s a pay-off we can be "FIER" of!

Color palette
A strong logo needs to be complemented by a matching color palette. The color palette has five colors, with the shades “Deep water” and “Perspective” as the main shades. The three secondary colors provide accent and strength. These colors were not chosen at random; the palette is inspired by the interface of the waterfront, where water and land meet. This way, the project’s objectives are reflected in all visual design elements.