On January 10th, 2025, FIER partner Veiligheidsregio Zeeland (Safety Region Zeeland, VRZ) initiated a cross-border Belgium-Netherlands meeting to discuss co-operation between governmental bodies regarding the impact of climate-related incidents. The meeting focused on the challenges of too much (and too little) water in the border region around the Westerschelde Estuary. This meeting was part of an ongoing process to redefine cross-border crisis management along the borders of the provinces of Antwerp, East Flanders, and West Flanders with Zeeland

Enhancing Cross-Border Cooperation in Water Crisis Management
Representatives from key organizations participated, including the Dutch Nationale Reddingsvloot (National Rescue Fleet), Rijkswaterstaat (DG for Public Works and Water Management), the Province of Zeeland, and VRZ, as well as the Belgian Gouverneurs of Antwerp and West Flanders. Together, they discussed preventive and repressive measures to improve cooperation and analyzed how cross-border information is currently shared.
The discussions provided valuable insights into the complexity of differing responsibilities and tasks between the countries. Additionally, participants analyzed whether and how existing cross-border networks can be deployed to address flood crises. The primary outcome of the meeting was the decision to create a cross-border network chart. This chart will identify all relevant players involved in water crisis management and clarify their roles and responsibilities.
These insights serve as a blueprint for FIER to identify stakeholders, define the responsibilities of governmental bodies for different flood scenarios, and establish clear ownership of critical information.
Collaboration is the key. And this collaboration marks an important step forward in addressing the shared water-related challenges of this unique cross-border region.