Page banner Image Breadcrumb Home Diol Our News During the European Maritime Day on June 24 and 25 2023, the DIOL partnership kicked off the project. Image Project 01/06/2023 DIOL Kick-OffDIOL celebrated its successful launch during the European Maritime Day event in Brest, France on May 24-25, 2023. The event provided a suitable platform for DIOL partners to introduce the project and engage in meaningful discussions on sustainable marine industry practices....PaginationPrevious page Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3
Project 01/06/2023 DIOL Kick-OffDIOL celebrated its successful launch during the European Maritime Day event in Brest, France on May 24-25, 2023. The event provided a suitable platform for DIOL partners to introduce the project and engage in meaningful discussions on sustainable marine industry practices....