Page banner Image Breadcrumb Home Demask DEMASK News The DEMASK project started in January 2024. This page shows regular news on the project and on underwater noise in general. Image Project 18/02/2025 One year of DEMASK - an interview with Niels KinnegingProgress, challenges and future goals in tackling underwater noise pollution...Project 31/10/2024 Mapping underwater noise from boats on the Swedish west coastDuring summer, a significant amount of recreational boating takes place along the Swedish west coast. The Kosterhavet National Marine Park is renowned for its stunning landscape of islands and rich marine life, making it a popular destination for recreational boat owners. But how much underwater noi...Project 30/09/2024 Second roundtable on underwater noise and shippingUnderwater noise pollution from shipping is an increasingly recognized threat to marine ecosystems, particularly for species that rely on sound for communication, navigation, and feeding. As global trade continues to expand, addressing the environmental impact of noise generated by shipping is becom...Project 20/09/2024 HELCOM-OSPAR workshopOn September 18, 2024 DEMASK participated in the first informal consultation workshop aimed at improving the assessment of underwater noise impact on noise sensitive species. The event was hosted by the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM) in Helsinki, Finland....Project 11/09/2024 DEMASK at ESOMM conferenceLast September, the 8th edition of the Effects of Sound in the Ocean on Marine Mammals (ESOMM) took place in The Hague/Scheveningen. At this conference, which aims to bridge the gap between science and policy on the impact of ocean sound on marine mammals, Niels Kinneging presented the DEMASK projec...Project 18/07/2024 Regiostars awardsThe Jomopans project has been selected as finalist for the EU Regiostars Award...Project 03/04/2024 Kickoff meetingOn April 3rd and 4th, 2024, the kick-off of the European project DEMASK took place at the Dutch coastal town of Zandvoort. Demask is an Interreg North Sea project which focuses on uniting policymakers, NGOs, and the maritime industry in managing the underwater soundscape of the North Sea. This proje...
Project 18/02/2025 One year of DEMASK - an interview with Niels KinnegingProgress, challenges and future goals in tackling underwater noise pollution...
Project 31/10/2024 Mapping underwater noise from boats on the Swedish west coastDuring summer, a significant amount of recreational boating takes place along the Swedish west coast. The Kosterhavet National Marine Park is renowned for its stunning landscape of islands and rich marine life, making it a popular destination for recreational boat owners. But how much underwater noi...
Project 30/09/2024 Second roundtable on underwater noise and shippingUnderwater noise pollution from shipping is an increasingly recognized threat to marine ecosystems, particularly for species that rely on sound for communication, navigation, and feeding. As global trade continues to expand, addressing the environmental impact of noise generated by shipping is becom...
Project 20/09/2024 HELCOM-OSPAR workshopOn September 18, 2024 DEMASK participated in the first informal consultation workshop aimed at improving the assessment of underwater noise impact on noise sensitive species. The event was hosted by the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM) in Helsinki, Finland....
Project 11/09/2024 DEMASK at ESOMM conferenceLast September, the 8th edition of the Effects of Sound in the Ocean on Marine Mammals (ESOMM) took place in The Hague/Scheveningen. At this conference, which aims to bridge the gap between science and policy on the impact of ocean sound on marine mammals, Niels Kinneging presented the DEMASK projec...
Project 18/07/2024 Regiostars awardsThe Jomopans project has been selected as finalist for the EU Regiostars Award...
Project 03/04/2024 Kickoff meetingOn April 3rd and 4th, 2024, the kick-off of the European project DEMASK took place at the Dutch coastal town of Zandvoort. Demask is an Interreg North Sea project which focuses on uniting policymakers, NGOs, and the maritime industry in managing the underwater soundscape of the North Sea. This proje...