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External event France

Dissemination meeting in France: BIOZE results presented to regional authorities of Normandy

External event France
1 minute

During a steering committee meeting for the Métha'Normandie plan—a regional initiative supporting biogas development in Normandy—institutional partners, including the regional government, DREAL (regulation officers), and ADEME (French ecological transition agency), attended a dedicated session to explore the BIOZE project, its results and tools.





During a steering committee meeting for the Métha'Normandie plan (which is a public regional planification to support the development of biogas in Normandy), institutional partners from Normandie, including the regional government, DREAL (regulation officers), and ADEME(French ecological transition agency), attended a specific session dedicated to presenting the BIOZE project. This 30-minute presentation aimed to showcase the project's results and tools.

The session focused on presenting BIOZE project as a whole and its results, including the development of the roadmap, the detailed FAQ, and the digital mapping tool. The presentation included a live simulation of the digital tool to demonstrate its features and led to a discussion on how it could be adapted to the French bioenergy context.

Institutional partners expressed strong interest in the BIOZE tools. They highlighted the synergy with the "acceptability pack", a toolkit designed to improve the acceptance of BIOZE projects, published in early 2024.