If you want to find out more about the value of urban biodiversity and how our pilots are empowering people and nature to thrive together, explore our resources!
Biodiversity Facts

When urban green spaces thrive, people thrive. Explore the countless benefits of biodiversity in cities with our growing fact series!
Biodiversity Pilot Posters
Biodiverse Cities partners prepared pitches on their pilot and pollinator sites for a session with local stakeholders during our 3rd partner meeting in Bremen. Explore the posters below for a firsthand look at how the project is progressing across eight different cities.

City of Dordrecht
Dordrecht aims to bring the city's surrounding and unique tidal nature into the city and to their citizen's doorsteps.

Municipality of Aarhus
The Municipality of Aarhus is targeting its focus on wild nature in the city and its surroundings, working with citizens, farmers and landowners to convert agricultural land into natural spaces.

Ministry for Environment, Climate and Science of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen
The Ministry for the Environment, Climate, and Science of Bremen (SUKW) will co-create two pilot sites with locals and apply cost-benefit analysis of ecosystem services used from other SUKW projects.

Växjö Municipality
Växjö will put nature-based solutions (NBS) into practice at two pilot sites and support the development of a "library of good practices" on NBS implementation and its impacts.

City of Lille
Twice awarded the French Capital of Biodiversity Contest, Lille has supported biodiversity for many years and is committed to the study and development of urban green and aquatic grids, as well as emerging black, brown and sound grids.

City of Bergen
The city of Bergen will involve educational and scientific guidance to improve NbS, inspire commercial interest, and impact common attitude in the larger transformation project of the Mindemyren area.

Agency for Roads, Bridges and Water (LSBG - Hamburg)
Hamburg's Agency for Roads, Bridges & Water plans and builds rainwater cleaning facilities for the polluted surface runoff and executes measures for ecological improvement of habitat for endangered species in water bodies and for ecological connectivity of water bodies.

City of Brest
The city of Brest is renovating two schoolyards, using a process of co-design and consultation to bring back biodiversity, test NBS solutions, and connect children to nature.