Bremen - Industrial Park RR
The Industrial Park Riedemann- / Reiher-Str. (RR) is located in the north of the district Gröpelingen. Surrounded by a motorway, railroads and some late 60s building blocks, it is dominated by car-friendly urban design with a very high degree of sealing, almost no urban green or any type of urban infrastructure – a very monofunctional industrial park.
The rough size is about 52 ha. The Industrial Park RR inhabits 94 small-and-medium-sized enterprises (mix of trade and production). A specific Industrial Park management is currently trying to activate inherent potentials.
As the Industrial Park RR comes with a car and truck friendly urban design, environmental challenges like pollution or the degree of sealing are valid. Contamination in some parts is also critical. Social challenges can be described in the manner that there are no situations for interaction like having a break together, enjoying free space or nature.
Soft Action: Greening and unsealing initiative of private commercial properties (Pilot 2) - Information campaign on possibilities for private greening (facades, rooftops, frontyard) and public funding structures in combination with a co-creation process (preliminary planning status).
Hard Action: Green hideaway: Redeveloping public parking space to small green places of stay (Trees, Bushes, Benches, Tables) (idea status)
Soft Action: Biodiversity baseline study (preliminary planning status)
… more to come throughout the participation process.
Objectives & Expected Impact
- Environment and biodiversity-friendly economic infrastructure development has to be created from scratch.
- Raising awareness for climate related topics and the loss of biodiversity, and its impact on the local economic development is central.
- Urban green infrastructure has to improve (in quality and quantity) in the public and the private realm so private actors will be motivated to unseal and green their properties through a close process of consulting and co-creation.
- Public green has to be qualified under aspects of biodiversity and climate change. Therefore parking space will be transformed to a nature-inclusive place of stay.
- Activating business owners to take responsibility for public green infrastructure will be a second dimension of the activities in that Pilot Area.