What are the materials that you are investigating to use and why?
We focus on all relevant hemp based materials for building, because we want to investigate the potential for a Danish hemp value chain. Short and long fibers and hemp dust can be used for a range of different building materials. We want practical experience with the materials and learn more about what processing/products that will give the best business case. Hemp can add positively in a Danish crop rotation, and we are inspired by other NSR countries and beyond, where hemp value chains are already established.
What will be the timeline of the pilot?
It has been an explorative journey to design, identify and budget with building materials which for a great part have to be imported to Denmark, and are new in the construction arena. The past year architect and contractor have been found through bids of 3. The house has been designed and projected, and architect and contractor have partnered and made several iterations and scenarios for design, materials and budget. Additional private now being applied for in order to build an ambitious and valuable show case.
What do you want to achieve with the pilot?
Open book.
With Hampens Hus we want to create a physical show case as a center for all stakeholders to share knowledge and experiences from building with hemp. We want to ensure maximum benefit for as many people as possible - both in the construction industry and in other parts of the bio-based value chain. This applies not only to material documentation, but also to the tendering model, the partnering agreement between the consultant and the main contractor and, in the long term, experience with the cultivation of hemp on Falster.
Practical experience with hemp in construction.
Hampens Hus will show how a broad range of hemp-based products are used in practice. Moisture, heat and risk of mould will be measured so we can see how the materials perform over time.
To ensure a rapid transition to more bio-based building materials, it is important that the new materials are included in education programs at all levels. Hampens Hus will be built on the grounds of CELF higher education - open for all interested stakeholders to visit and explore.
From field to building.
Hampens Hus will be the focal point for the work on establishing new local value chains based on the cultivation of hemp.
More information here: