The overarching obstacles currently experienced are of organizational, technical and juridical nature:
- Lack of well-organized value chains
- Fragmented and partly missing knowledge and data
- Facilitating government policies, laws and regulations
- Awareness among different parties in the chain
- Financial feasibility of biobased construction materials
The objective of BBoBB is to tackle these challenges in the NSR by developing a transnational approach for the valorisation of biobased value chains. This will be demonstrated in 5 regional pilots, where developed methods and business models are actually applied.
Work plan
All the activities in our work plan aimed at strengthening and scaling up the use of biobased materials. They are divided over three categories:
- Governance and policy (WP1);
- Demonstration of costs and benefits (WP2);
- Design and awareness (WP3).
The structure of activities and composition of the project partnership ensure that all parties in the chain can be brought together. The transnational cooperation and exchange of knowledge thus offers a scale leap for creating both economic and environmental impact with the application of biobased materials.