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pilot baard

Pilot - Baard, The Netherlands

About the pilot, source of surface water and scale

It is a closed system aquathermal energy project, by extracting heat out of the Baarder Feart river, bordering on the 6 houses and the school in the project. 
We choose this source because of it's in the direct area of the buildings.

We are organized (governance) by multiple stakeholder ownership, later on it will turn into an energy community.

Current status of implementation:
All is under construction: 
1/ the technical project attributes and 2/ forming the ownership rules and legalization.

What other cooperatives/organizations can learn from the pilot.
Technical it isn’t complex, not rocket science! but the organisation and to arrange some project money is most of the work and are experiences others can learn from.

More about the pilot:

The main challenges:
Organisation and 'holding on'finishing it to the end

Other sources we use for district heating:
Renewable local electricity, lot of knowledge by local installers of technical equipment

More information contact  Grieneko |

pilot baard
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