The start of the SUPER project
As the start of our project, we organized a wonderful event in Amersfoort together with Task Force Health Care and Health Holland. We would like to thank all attendees, both live and online, for their feedback and interesting discussions!
Were you unable to attend or would you like to watch the kick-off again? Below you will find the recording of the kick-off.
If you have any questions about our Kick-off, feel free to email us: sam-stapp@ggzcentraal.nl
Short videos
During the kick-off, a number of questions were answered by various attendees. Below you will find the short videos. In total there are 7 videos that we will share with you during the 18 months of the project. A new video will be shared at the same time as our newsletter: The SUPER update.
In the first one we asked Joris Swaak (Senior Designer at Panton) why co-creation creates better outcomes in digital metal health.
In the second video we asked Sharon Mullen (Senior Accountmanager at Rotterdam Square) why co-creation in digital mental health reduces stigma.

Formal meeting and project planning
After the public event, we met up with our Interreg North Sea region representatives for a formal meeting, after which we put our heads together to plan all the necessary steps of the project. We also agreed to keep everyone who’s interested in our project posted as the project continues, so we hope that you enjoy reading this first edition.