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SMALL 1st Expert Roundtable group picture

SMALL succesfully held its 1st Expert Roundtable on 27th April

SMALL 1st Expert Roundtable group picture
2 minutes

SMALL project's partners and expert community met in Brussels, Belgium to exchange and discuss about several relevant topics for the development of the SMALL project pilots.

Expert Roundtable fishbowl discussion session

On 27th April, the SMALL project consortium gathered a group of experts on inclusive mobility in the framework of its 1st European Expert Roundtable titled "How can people with reduced mobility become an important driver of shared mobility?".

The event served as a scenario for the SMALL partners to exchange and interact with the expert community about 3 main topics:

  • Identifying SMALL target groups' user needs
  • How to generate effective co-creation strategies and engage with SMALL pilots' target groups
  • SMALL observatory for identifying best practices of inclusive shared mobility solution

The event gathered experts from diverse and varied fields, all related to inclusive mobility. Some of the experts' profiles included: 

  • Individual advocates representing people with reduced mobility;
  • European NGOs and/or associations representing people with reduced mobility;
  • Researchers and experts focusing on accessibility in transportation;
  • Shared mobility providers 
  • Public transport operators 

The Workshop

Thematic session 1

The Expert Roundtable foresaw 3 discussion sessions on user needs, co-creation and user engagement, and the SMALL observatory, to help our partners address the most important questions related to the topics identified above. These thematic sessions were followed by a fishbowl discussion session, where both SMALL project partners and experts gathered to reflect on the most important points of the day. Some relevant points of discussion included:

  • Defining the correct terminology
  • Going beyond the project's predetermined target groups
  • Successes and pitfalls of best practices of inclusive shared mobility

The results of these discussions will help the SMALL pilot partners to complete their user-engagement action plans and to the entire consortium in building SMALL's observatory for the identification of state-of-the-art engagement for shared mobility projects. The outcomes of this 1st Expert Roundtable will be further analysed and interpreted in an insight paper to be released in September 2023.

Join the SMALL Expert Community

By joining the SMALL expert community, you can:

  • Help create more inclusive and more accessible shared mobility services;
  • Gain insights into the needs of different user groups regarding shared mobility solutions;
  • Meet other relevant stakeholders from the field (such as representatives of societal organizations, policymakers, transport service providers, research organizations, etc.);
  • Be part of an amazing and welcoming community!

If you would like to be part of the SMALL project expert community, please contact both of our colleagues: