Recycling Yard
Current Situation
Stadtreinigung Hamburg (SRH) is the municipal solid waste and cleaning company and in charge of collecting, transporting and treating waste from approx. 1 Mio. households in Hamburg. With about 4.200 employees the concern SRH offers full-service in separat waste collection, urban cleanup and many other tasks for communal and private clients.
Currently the waste is either being collected at the households (but only residual, organic, paper and packaging materials) or citizens have to transport it to one of the city's twelve recycling yards. This faces a challenge especially when it comes to the much-needed development of car-free districts and mobility transition. SRH will bring this challenge to the MoLo Hubs and, as a public service provider, share the relevant expertise to jointly test viable solutions as part of the project.

EcoHHubs © Stadtreinigung Hamburg
Key Challenge
- The waste management is currently handled by household collection (causing waste truck traffic) or recycling yards in industrial areas (causing car traffic)
- No available solutions for newly developed car-free districts / neighbourhoods in the city
Possible Solutions
- Neighbourhood collection points at mobility hubs as an intermediate between collection at source and recycling yards
- Eased disposal, no need for additional traffic, cleaner waste streams, successful linkage to other services at the hubs > creation of synergies
Project Partners
Latest News
Find out more about the pilot area in our latest Project News.
At the beginning of February 14 Master’s students and two professors from the University of Antwerp visited the "EcoHub" at Kaltenkircher Platz in Hamburg as part of their Winter School.
On November 4th, an important step towards more sustainable urban logistics was taken in Hamburg: Stadtreinigung Hamburg (SRH), opened the city’s second EcoHHub station.
From April to December 2024, the Pop-Up Circular Hub (PUCH), located in the Jupiter, a former department store in the city center of Hamburg and just over the street to Hamburg’s central train and bus station, offers activities around the topic of circular economy with workshops, panel discussions, exhibitions, advice and a co-working space.
On December 5th. the Hamburg pilot was officially launched at the Pop-Up Circular Hub in Hamburg. Representatives from science, administration, logistics as well as service providers, initiatives and various interested listeners participated in the event.
MoLo Hubs kicked-off from 4-6 October in Hamburg, hosted by “Logistics Initiative Hamburg (LIHH)”.