Borås is the largest e-trade city in Sweden and the Nordic countries. Strong growth regarding population and industry puts demand on proactive close cooperation. The City is heavily dependent on logistic competence and development connected to national and international networks. Key areas are high capacity transports, resource minimizing, electrification, digitalisation and urban logistics, all with close cooperation between municipality, industry and public.
Key Challenge
Borås is growing dynamically and putting pressure on new districts, busy city centres and increasing commercial traffic. This requires efficient and sustainable solutions for both distribution and return traffic.
Possible Solutions
- Borås wants to exploit the transnational learning from MoLo Hubs to test different use cases of logistics services at mobility hubs based on findings of the other pilot areas.
- This is to be realised through pilots with special attention to city design and spatial planning when it comes to blue prints for future city and district development.
- The aim is to create specific solutions that can be replicated in new urban development areas, fitting to the specific user needs there.
Project Partner
Latest News
Find out more about the pilot area in our latest Project News.
Interesting, exciting and rewarding activities for the project partners of the pilot area in Borås during their field visit in Stockholm.
The dream of Borås is the collective name for a series of activities that the City of Borås, Borås City Association and the Property Owners' Center in Borås hold to develop the city centre.