On December 5th. the Hamburg pilot was officially launched at the Pop-Up Circular Hub in Hamburg. Representatives from science, administration, logistics as well as service providers, initiatives and various interested listeners participated in the event.

A general project presentation was given by Logistics Initative Hamburg and a closer look on the challenges and planned activities in Hamburg was explained by Stadtreinigung Hamburg (SRH). The challenges are the integration of decentralized waste collection infrastructure and a lack of free space in inner cities. Hamburg will test this new collection infrastructure at mobility hubs and evaluate the impact on waste separation.
In the following discussion, moderated by HiiCCE, solutions from other research projects were presented, such as the SRH EcoHHub, which is an automated dispensing point for SRH products and collection point for edible fats and oils. Other topics discussed included the challenges of urban mobility and logistics as well as the need of bringing together potential partners with similar interests and using the existing synergies.
It became clear that due to competition for land in cities, cooperation and partnerships are crucial. The integration of circular economy services in the last mile logistic is a new approach that offers great opportunities and potential for synergies. As a next step, the partners will now identify the potential sites for setting up new waste collection points together with local partners.
After this big round table, the scene is set for a successful project start.
Source: HiiCCE