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Wim Dijkstra presents MegaBITS at the Annual POLIS Conference

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2 minutes

Recently, Wim Dijkstra, MegaBITS Strategic Advisor, attended the Annual Polis Network Conference held in Leuven. During the event, Wim delivered a presentation on Smart Cycling, where he talked in in detail about the MegaBITS project.

Wim Photo for Article

MegaBITS Strategic Advisor Wim Dijkstra speaking to Lee Firman from the MegaBITS Communications Department


During his talk, he acknowledged the misconception that bike policy solely revolves around enhancing cycling infrastructure. While infrastructure undoubtedly plays a critical role in cycling policy, Wim reiterated that a broader perspective is needed, placing greater focus on connected cycling and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) solutions, to encourage ridership as done by the automobile sector. 

Following this, Wim explained that the MegaBITS project is committed to comprehensively understanding, sharing, and implementing ITS technology to enhance the safety, comfort, and convenience of cyclists around Europe. To achieve this, MegaBITS project partners are developing and will later implement projects in five flagship that leverage connected cycling and ITS, with the aim of achieving a 10% increase in cycling kilometres within target groups and an 8.8% reduction in CO2 emissions.

Wim also informed the audience about the other MegaBITS initiatives, such as the Bicycle and ITS Directory—a website compiling information on firms developing ITS technology in Europe and the Cycle Data Space, a transparent and decentralized platform for sharing of cycling data, being developed by imec.

Overall, Wim highlighted the growing importance that cities and regions are placing on connected cycling. This was further reinforced by Jill Warren, CEO of the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) and moderator for the "Active Modes Fully Activated" panel where Wim's gave his speech.

You can acess Wim Dijkstra's presentation used during his at the POLIS Conference below.

Wim Dijkstra Presenting

MegaBITS Strategic Advisor Wim Dijkstra presenting the MegaBITS project during his speech on Smart Cycling