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Cycling Data in the EU 4

Webinar: Pedalling Towards Cycling Data Standardisation

Cycling Data in the EU 4
2 minutes

On Thursday the 11th of April, MegaBITS alongside partnering organisation CIE participated in the "Pedalling Towards Cycling Data Standardisation" webinar jointly held by Polis and NAPCORE.

Figure 1: Laure De Cock, Innovation Specialist at Imec presenting MegaBITS during the Cycling Data in the EU Pedalling Towards Cycling Data Standarisation Webinar

Figure 1: Laure De Cock, Innovation Specialist at Imec presenting MegaBITS during the Cycling Data in the EU Pedalling Towards Cycling Data Standarisation Webinar

During the webinar, Emil Tin, partner from the City of Copenhagen, talked about how their city is using bike data to manage cyclist flows on a day-to-day basis for traffic management purposes, as well as longer term planning for cycling infrastructure. Laure De Cock from Imec, the technical partner from MegaBITS, presented insights about the research they've done for MegaBITS, including several CIE Members, on 'Floating Bike Data', including the challenges in defining this data set and the distribution of this data amongst stakeholders within the cycling ecosystem.

It was also an opportunity for the European Commission to inform participants of the progress being made regarding the European Mobility Data Space. Of specific interest for the cycling industry is the Innovation and Scaling group of the Deploy EMDS project where approximately 20 representatives from companies, SMEs, start-ups and academia. The purpose of this group is to foster collaboration between stakeholders on use-cases of the European Mobility Data Space. A webinar will be held on the topic on the 24th of April. 

The webinar was an invaluable opportunity in bringing together cities, European transport and mobility data platforms, and the cycling industry, and we're excited to explore this collaboration further for the future. 

Figure 2: Emil Tin, IT and Process Specialist at the City of Copenhagen, presenting the implementation of cycling ITS infrastructure in the Danish capital through the MegaBITS Project.

Figure 2: Emil Tin, IT and Process Specialist at the City of Copenhagen, presenting the implementation of cycling ITS infrastructure in the Danish capital through the MegaBITS Project.


Figure 3: Petra Söderqvist, Policy Officer at DG MOVE in the unit B4 Sustainable and Intelligent Transport explaining the actions supporting the common European data space