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MegabBITS at the Dutch National Traffic Conference

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On November 1st and 2nd, Amsterdam hosted the Dutch National Traffic Conference, drawing over 400 professionals from the Dutch traffic and mobility sector. The primary goals were for professional to network with peers and gain insights into the conference's central theme: cross-border growth.

Veronique and Bjon

Figure 1. Veronique Rietman (Province of Overijssel) and Bjorn Blink (Gemeente Zwolle) presenting the lessons of the BITS project

Veronique Rietman, a key member of MegaBITS project representing the leading partner of the Province of Overijssel, and Bjorn Blink from Gemeente Zwolle, took the stage to share valuable lessons from the BITS project, focusing particularly on its implementations in Zwolle.

During the BITS project, the City of Zwolle strategically installed dynamic signs at three city entrances (Figure 2). These signs provide cyclists with real-time information on available parking facilities and their capacity. This initiative not only simplifies the experience for cyclists by eliminating the search for available spaces but also contributes to optimizing public space usage for pedestrians. The result is a reduction in wandering cyclists and bicycles in the already bustling city centre.

Sign in Zwolle

Figure 2. Sign In Zwolle Informing Cyclists of the Nearest Bike Parking Available