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From Data Hub to Data Space: Cycling's Next Frontier

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3 minutes

On June 11, 2024, the MegaBITS project held a thematic Advisory Group meeting focused on the Cycle Data Space. This gathering brought together experts in smart mobility, data governance, and cycling ITS to discuss the latest developments and challenges in creating effective data spaces for cycling data. The agenda included three presentations and a roundtable discussion.

Advisory Group Meeting


  1. Flemish Traffic Measurement Data Space - Steven Logghe, Movias

Steven Logghe, a Smart Mobility expert at Movias, presented the traffic measurement data space developed and implemented by the Agency of Digital Flanders. This initiative, part of the Flemish Smart Data Spaces (VSDS), showcased the potential benefits of seamless data sharing and the power of linked data for end users. Logghe's presentation and demonstration emphasized how such data spaces can create nice opportunities to combine different data streams to support their policymaking.

Read the report

  1. Business Models for Data Spaces - Aron-Levi Herregodts, imec

Aron-Levi Herregodts, Program Manager at imec, offered crucial insights into the business aspects of data spaces. This provided  a comprehensive view of the complexities involved in making data spaces economically viable and sustainable, for all the parties involved.

  • There is no universal business model for data spaces
  • Business models depend on the specific actors or organizations deriving value from the data space
  • Concrete use-cases are essential starting points for developing effective business models
  • The transition from public-funded to sustainable private-driven initiatives remains a significant challenge

    Read the report.

  1. Cycle Data Space update - Casper Van Gheluwe, imec

Casper Van Gheluwe, a solution architect at imec, shared updates on the technical aspects of cycle data spaces. He highlighted both the progress made in developing the MegaBITS Cycle Data Space and the work that remains to be done to make these systems robust and widely applicable and gave an overview of how the CDS can fit with other ongoing initiatives on data spaces in the EU, such as the deployEMDS project and the creation of a potential EDIC for Mobility & Logistics.

  • The team is working on upgrading the cycle data hub from the BITS project into a Cycle Data Space
  • Alignment efforts are ongoing to ensure compatibility and potential federation with the EMDS
  • Current data space technologies are still in development and not yet fully ready for widespread adoption, necessitating a good choice of scope to ensure feasibility of the solution within the project.

    Read the report.

Next steps

This Advisory Group meeting underscored the potential of cycle data spaces to improve urban mobility and enhance cycling policymaking through data. However, it also revealed the challenges that lie ahead, particularly in developing sustainable business models and refining the underlying technologies for the CDS.

As the project moves forward, the insights gained from this meeting will guide efforts to create more effective, user-friendly, and economically viable cycle data spaces. The collaboration between experts in mobility, data governance, and technology development promises to drive innovation in this crucial area of smart city infrastructure.

The MegaBITS project continues to be at the forefront of these developments, working to harness the power of data to improve cycling experiences and urban mobility for all.