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Connecting Europe Days 2024

The Connecting Europe Days will bring together more than 2,500 participants from all EU Member States and neighbouring third countries, in particular the Western Balkan partners as well as Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia. 

Date: 02/04/2024 12:00am - 05/04/2024 11:59pm
Location: SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre

The participants will encompass Ministers, politicians, representatives from financial institutions, industry stakeholders, transportation experts, as well as representatives from the European Commission and affiliated agencies. The event will serve as an opportunity to discuss concrete measures and exchange good practices on creating a sustainable, smart, and resilient, transport and mobility network in Europe.

The MegaBITS team will attend alongside other mobility projects within Interreg North Sea, including ShareDiMobiHub, SN2, and SMALL, among others. During the event, the team will explain how initiatives like MegaBITS have already begun to promote a more environmentally friendly approach to transportation by integrating cutting-edge technologies into everyday cycling.