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Normandy Coach

Pilot Activity in Normandy (France)

Normandy’s retrofitted coach

Normandy Coach
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Normandy is the largest hydrogen user in France and a pioneer for its use in the industry and mobility sectors. The “H2 rush” started with the EAS-HyMob project in 2016 planning the implementation of a hydrogen station network. That’s how the Evreux refueling station with the largest capacity was built and boosted the H2 retrofitted coach project by Transdev.

The Region of Normandy is responsible for interurban and school transportation and as such, gradually updates their fleet by combining different types of power sources, tailored to each use. In the Lihyp project, The Region of Normandy will evaluate the feasibility of converting to hydrogen the whole regional coach fleet. To do so, the study will allow them to identify the most suitable engines for each line, with a focus on H2, and to estimate the conversion cost to propose an action and financial plan.

Transdev will test their H2 retrofitted coach for market scale-up, demonstrate the technology to the partners, monitor real time data to optimize energy flows and battery life span, run a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis and Life Cycle Analysis.

IDIT will identify the legal and regulatory issues linked to H2 production transport and mobility and present recommendations for national and European evolution.

Circoe will coordinate the French consortium, develop a tool to calculate the CO2 emissions avoided with a H2 retrofitted coach and identify the possible H2 refueling nodes and distribution grid in Normandy.

The French pilot revolves around Transdev’s hydrogen retrofitted coach operating between the cities of Rouen and Evreux and aims at demonstrating the autonomy of H2 power versus electricity and at studying the scalability of such coaches.