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Hydrogen Valley Airport Goningen Airport Eelde

Pilot Activity in Groningen (The Netherlands)

Hydrogen Valley Airport Goningen Airport Eelde
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Hydrogen Valley Airport

Goningen Airport Eelde

The Hydrogen Valley Airport project will focus on the feasibility of utilizing the on sitegenerated green solar power as feedstock for a direct coupling with an (airside) 1MW electrolyser system there by ensuring full green hydrogen production.

Optimization and simulation studies will outline the optimal operational characteristics and the sizing of the electrolyser.

The switch towardsgreenhydrogen will ensure the demonstration of the full decarbonization of the describedairport operations (landside, airside). The green hydrogen production will be connected to a trailer fill installation to enablefilling of mobile storage equipment (hydrogen trailers or cylinderracks).

This will enable the effective distribution of the green hydrogen to locations on and off site including a hydrogen refuelling station(HRS), that serves both land and airside vehicles, to be realized on or in the vicinity of the airport. Here the fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) can be fuelled with green hydrogen.

Moreover, connections will be made to the regional hydrogen distribution system as already in place in the region developed under various EU supported projects thereby making effective use of the zero-emission infrastructure. Optimal control strategies will be developed to ensure that the energy delivery targets are reached.

Feasibility studies will be executed, and optimization and simulation models will be developed to extend the value chain by a closed loop covered walkway test/trial-installation on landside, combined with direct individual charging stations for vehicles and powering public lighting.

End goal of the project is to implement the system at a fully covered parking area. A connection will be made to the SkyNRGDSL-01 project which will produce 100.000 tons of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) at the Chemical complex in Delfzijl (province Groningen) as of 2022. This connection will ensure that the aircrafts at GRQ Hydrogen Valley Airport will have access to regionally produced SAF with clean kerosene. The bulk of this clean kerosene will be shipped and trucked via Pernis (Shell Aviation) to Schiphol Airport (not included in this project).