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Living Land in Belgium

Pilot Activity in Gent (Belgium)

Living Land in Belgium
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Living Lab Belgium

The locally stored H2 is converted energy-efficiently into electricity and heat when there is a demand for electricity (when the vessel is at the quay, e.g. during the night).

The electricity is used to charge the “floating battery” installed the vessel. The heat is used for building/warehouse heating or other heat consumers on site. The “floating battery” can be used as a mobile emergency power supply. The “floating battery” can be used additionally (if it is not sailing) together with the CHP(Combined Heat & Power) on H2 for grid support. The latter can be very important in critical situations (black out threat in crisis situations for example).

If not enough hydrogen can be produced locally (due to weather conditions), the hydrogen can still be supplied from larger production sites in Gent area along the available waterways. Alternatively, a strategic stock could be kept on site since H2 can be stored for long periods without loss of energy and is therefore extremely interesting as a strategic storage of energy.

Usecase Living Lab Belgium

Onsite surplus power will be stored in an urban barge for movable energy supply + test CHP unit for power and heat production.


The principle of cogeneration or combined heat and power (CHP)is easy : residual heat radiated by an electric power generator is collected and then put to gooduse.

CHP is the most energy efficient transformer of stored renewable energy into useful heat and electrical power. The electrical power generator will power e-vehicles/vessels/e-cargobikes and use the residual heat for heating the building on site.

Electricity from PV (Photo Voltaic Panels) is used for small-scale local (on site) production of H2 and be used as a Smart Grid solution.