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DE - 02 Deichmann

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Ihno Deichmann

Name (company or family)
Ihno Deichmann 
Deichmann GbR
Place and country
Friesland - Germany
Number of dairy cows
Grazing (yes/no)
Main cow breed
Number of hectares of permanent pasture
100 hectares
Main soil type
Heavy clay soil
Why are you interested in the DivGrass project?
Our farm is located in a region of the old marsh, where we rely 100% on permanent grassland due to the nature of the soil and do not cultivate the land. Our pastures and the grass silage thus serve as the sole basic feed for our cows and cattle. Continuous improvement of grass quality is our priority for the future of the farm.

By participating in the DivGrass project, we can now precisely evaluate quality characteristics from the growth analyses between the old swards and the younger swards. This shows us how much action is needed for sward renewal. At the same time, we hope to gain important insights in the reseeding trial field with the species-rich and species-poor grass mixtures. We are looking forward to the drought resistance/rust resistance/effects of compaction on the reversible field and the values of the growth analyses. We hope to be able to incorporate the knowledge gained from the DivGrass project into our operations.