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Consortium Meeting Bruge

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1 minute

The DivGrass project partners recently held a productive two-day meeting focused on innovation, collaboration, and meaningful discussion. Besides of presentations, we visited a species-rich farm to learn first-hand how agriculture and biodiversity conservation intersect. During the meeting, the experts exchanged ideas on how to develop drone-based tools for biodiversity monitoring in North Sea grasslands, with a focus on collaboration with farmers. Additionally, on the second day, we also followed a workshop by VLM to dive deeper into policies and recommendations.

The exchange of ideas during the meeting was inspiring and led to a shared vision for the future of the project. By harnessing the expertise of universities, companies, and farmers, the project aims to improve understanding and conservation efforts for grassland ecosystems. In addition, the project results will feed into policy initiatives to improve grassland biodiversity. The ultimate goal is to develop tools, measures, and strategies for sustainable grassland management.