Roeselare, a medium-sized city with 65,624 inhabitants, is one of the fastest growing in Flanders and has an excellent reputation as a commercial, entrepreneurial centre. With a well-organised recycling system in place, the city is speeding up renovation, sustainable building and the valorisation of residual flows to achieve CO2 neutrality by 2050. Roeslare aims to inform, convince and cooperate through a climate coalition platform.

Innovation & circular renovation
Roeselare faces serious social and environmental challenges and wants to use the transition to a green and circular economy to provide new perspectives for citizens and businesses alike. Within Circular Trust Building, Roeselare will stimulate circular renovation by introducing of a building waste material app, working closely with the industry to create valuable residual flows, demonstrating circular building practices, providing advise vouchers for home owners and stimulating circular heating solutions (district heating).
Together with CTB’s other Flemish partner at the the City of Ostend, Roeselare is developing a regional circular deal, based on the methods and lessons developed by each of the partners during the project. The construction sector consist of traditional building companies, which focus mainly on new-built houses. However, there is also a well organised recycling system.

Joint promotion in the region
Finding solutions for circular building materials on a regional scale, without deconstructing and demolishing to a new raw material, makes circular building more accessible, popular and energy efficient. Partners like Acasus, the provincial Knowledge Center for sustainable living, building and renovation, help to promote circularity in materials, while CTB collaborators VIVES and the City of Ostend strengthen the regional approach by co-organizing education and setting up collective projects to give circular construction a boost.

Roeselare's new City Hall
Sharing experience
Roeselare is an experienced Interreg partner and has much to share with the CTB consortium. For example, in former projects they developed the building passport which has since been upscaled for the whole Flemish region and the new city hall is built with a circular approach. Moreover, in previous years, the city has stimulated home-energy renovation through a one stop shop approach, information campaigns, coaching and a neighbourhood approach.

Ine Lobelle, Project Leader.
Roeslare's CTB team
The cooperation with CTB partners allows Roeselare to adopt more innovative solutions and learn from frontrunners. The city will also pioneer with new solutions to stimulate circular building and help spread results through the Euro-towns network.

Bo Vanbiesen, EU Funding Advisor