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Partner Interview: Prototyping Experiments for the homePORT Hamburg Pilot

3 minutes

Discovery.Hamburg-Tour is part of the pilot area homePORT Hamburg. The app-based Tour takes place in form of a digital scavenger hunt through the Port of Hamburg. 

Under the umbrella of "Deep Dive Discovery", Discovery.Hamburg aims to bring maritime and logistics innovators together with talents in order to actively tackle the shared challenges of the skills shortage.

Today's Partner: Hamburg Port Authority (HPA)


Marius Eschen

Product Lead New Business and Partnership




Jasper von Meien

Business Development Manager 

What is your objective?

Our aim with Discovery.Hamburg is to attract new corporate partners and community members. With Discovery.Hamburg, we have developed an initial service offering in the form of an interactive scavenger hunt and company tour that is digitally guided by an app (and currently accompanied by us). Afterwards, we will invite the participants to the alumni community, where they will also meet the corporate partners.

Together with the corporate partners, we want to show how innovative and attractive the maritime and logistics industry is - also for young talent.

By organising the tours, we are constantly expanding our user base in the community and at the same time gaining valuable insights for the ongoing development of the initial service offering. At the same time, the partner base grows with the number of tours.

How did you involve end-users and what was their response?

On the one hand, we have accompanied every tour to date with a colleague from our team and thus also record the challenges and emotions of the participants on the tour. On the other hand, after the tour we also use a standardised questionnaire to ask the participants whether they see any potential for improvement or options for further development.

What were the results (output & outcome)?

The results from the almost 10 tours varied quite a bit: on the one hand, we have noticed how much interest and enthusiasm there is for the tours. The match of gamification, knowledge transfer and real encounters between the participants and the companies seems to be a value-adding component. On the other hand, we are constantly seeing improvements, such as the introduction of technical improvements (here, for example, the challenges with GPS), more frequent implementation of waypoints for easier navigation, better customised questions, and the planning of buffer times between stops.

An extract from the current tours can be found here (in German):

Nachwuchskräfte-Schnitzeljagd in der HafenCity >>

ITMC Studierende entdecken Innovationen in der Hafencity >>

Entdeckungstour in Hamburg >>

Connected-River-Workshop beim maritimen Tech-Festivals >>

University of Antwerp entdeckt Innovationen in der Speicherstadt >>

What are the lessons learned?

One of the key lessons learned was the importance of interactive and engaging activities in fostering interest and enthusiasm among young individuals. The event not only allowed participants to explore various aspects of the maritime industry but also encouraged teamwork and problem-solving skills. Feedback from our partner companies was overwhelmingly positive. They appreciated the opportunity to briefly present their company and training opportunities to a group of young, interested people.

Source: HPA