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Connected River Workshop at the HOMECOMING homePORT Tech Festival

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Hardly a seat was left at the Connected River workshop, which took place on 4th of July at the maritime tech festival “HOMECOMING homePORT ” in Hamburg.

More than 30 stakeholders participated in the Connected River Workshop and discussed how Hamburg’s maritime innovation community can become stronger together. 

More specifically, the workshop discussed how to facilitate community engagement in the future. The companies are already participating in an initiative of Connected River that connects young talents with port companies. In the workshop, all participating companies were able to explain how they envisage community engagement in the future.

Furthermore, Aileen Schmuck from Digital Hub Logistics Hamburg moderated a panel discussion at the tech festival to address our current Connected River challenge of labour shortages.  

Under the title “Are ports attractive enough for the next generation?” several participants from the private and public sectors joined the lively discussion. 

The conclusion of the panel discussion and the workshop was that with a focus on cooperation and exchange within Hamburg’s maritime community, we can tackle the challenge of labour shortage as well as other common hurdles. 

Source: HPA & homePORT