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AMS Blog

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Navigating the River-lution: harmonize social, ecological, and economic interests. During the summer months, the tranquil canals and rivers of the North Sea Region come alive with kayakers and canoers, offering a peaceful escape from our fast-paced digital lives

However, beneath the surface of these serene landscapes lies a growing struggle for waterway authorities and stakeholders to harmonize social, ecological, and economic interests. As these waterways evolve into vibrant hubs for various activities, including recreation, real estate development, and logistics, they also become the battleground for addressing complex ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) trade-offs.

Read the AMS Blog here


About AMS

Antwerp Management School (AMS) from Belgium is one of the approach partners of Connected River and brings methods on user-centric multi-stakeholder ecosystems and design thinking into the project, to enable the six pilot areas to grow with active and committed ecosystems.

With their scientific and design thinking based actionable methodologies, the AMS team will help to create innovative solutions fostering accessibility and urban transformation in the six pilot areas of Connected River and beyond, assuring

to be fit-for-future.

Source: AMS