What is a MVP/MVC?
Not Most Valuable Player... It's Minimun viable product or concept
- shows the customer that you have resolved at least one important problem
- shows that the idea delivers at least one concrete customer value
- the customer should be able to test and evaluate independently.
- A visual presentation of the idea that generates clearer and faster feedback
The purpose of a MVP/MVC
- To generate a maximum amount of learning and information from customers in the shortest time possible
- To avoid wasting resourses on developing functions too early and perhaps totally unnecessarily
- You will receive valuble help when it comes to choosing the right direction for your idea.
In the image to the left we describe the MVP
The top row of the image shows a common misconception about how to test solutions through MVCs in an agile process. In the top row of the picture, MVCs have been used, but parts of an imagined finished solution have been tested where each part in itself does not create any value for the target group - they neither fulfill an important desire nor solve a problem for the target group. Who wants a wheel or half a car?
The bottom row in the image takes a different approach. Instead of having already decided in advance what the solution will be and testing parts of it, the focus is instead on the underlying need the target group wants fulfilled. The target group's need in the example is to move between point A and point B. That need can be met with lots of different solutions - not just a car. Therefore, the team delivers the bare minimum they can come up with that gets the target audience to test things and leave feedback. In the example a skateboard. The target audience probably won't be completely happy with the first MVC, but that's okay. The aim is not to make the customer happy initially, but to get as much concrete feedback as possible to know how you need to develop your solution in the next version.
But unlike the front wheel in the top row, the skateboard is actually a useful solution that helps the target audience get from A to B. Not great, but a little better than nothing. Think big, but deliver in small functionally feasible steps. The example in the top row of the image (deliver a front tire) is bad because we keep delivering things that the customer can't use at all.
It's about learning - with minimun resources
In an agile process, one of the first things you should do (after describing what problem you're trying to solve for whom) is to identify your skateboard equivalent. Think of the skateboard as a metaphor for the smallest thing you can put in the hands of real users and get real feedback. The final solution might be a car or something else entirely depending on the feedback you get through the MVC loops.