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Melissa Chris Bruntlett Pod cover

Active Cities Podcast: How Cycling Transforms Cities

Melissa Chris Bruntlett Pod cover
2 minutes

Have you ever imagined a city where bicycles rule the roads and the air is cleaner, the streets are quieter, and the community is more connected?

On the latest episode of the Active Cities podcast, we take a deep dive into such a vision with cycling advocates Melissa and Chris Bruntlett. Meilissa and Chris share their personal journey from being car-dependent in Vancouver to becoming influential figures in the global cycling community, all thanks to their move to the Netherlands—a country renowned for its bike-friendly ethos.

The Bruntletts' story is not just about swapping four wheels for two; it's a tale of transformation. By choosing bicycles as their main mode of transportation, they've experienced a profound shift in their daily lives and interactions with the city around them. They discuss how cycling has enabled them to connect more deeply with the natural landscape, their community, and even their own children. It's a testament to how active mobility can create more stimulating, livable streets.

But the road to a cycling city is not without its bumps and challenges. The Bruntletts delve into the opposition they've faced, the myths they've had to bust, and the cultural shifts necessary to reframe cycling from a sport to a viable form of transport. They argue that building bike infrastructure benefits everyone, not just cyclists, by reducing traffic, healthcare costs, and environmental impact.

Through their advocacy work, they've seen firsthand the positive changes that can happen when cities prioritise cycling. They discuss examples from around the world where urban centres have embraced active mobility, with Paris, Barcelona, and Ghent leading the charge in Europe. These cities show that, with bravery and vision, transformation is possible.

The Bruntletts' insights are a call to action for anyone interested in urban planning, environmental sustainability, or simply seeking a healthier, more connected way of life. Their message is clear: invest in cycling, and the city becomes more accessible to all.

So, if you're ready to be inspired and learn how you can contribute to building a more bike-friendly world, listen to this episode of the Active Cities podcast. It might just be the push you need to start pedaling towards a brighter, greener future for your city and yourself. Don't wait—tune in now and join the movement!