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Future of homecare: Innovations on display at ACE’s European showcases

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8 minutes

Throughout September, ACE partners hosted a series of showcases in Belgium, Sweden, France, Denmark, and the Netherlands, to demonstrate promising innovative solutions with the potential to enhance homecare across Europe. These events brought together hundreds of older adults, municipal representatives, informal caregivers, and care providers to experience the latest advancements in homecare technologies. 

The showcases provided a platform for attendees to engage with innovative solutions, fostering discussions on future challenges and the impact of these innovations on everyday life. Participating SMEs capitalised on this opportunity to present their innovations, generate interest, and collect invaluable feedback from potential users. The ACE partners are proud to have enabled this unique exchange between SMEs, end-users, and professionals in an international context. 

Belgium: A platform for new processes and fresh perspectives

ACE Showcase in Turnhout, Belgium

Healthcare providers, municipal representatives, and solution providers in Belgium gathered for a showcase at the Thomas More campus in Turnhout on September 10th, fostering collaboration and introducing innovative technologies designed to transform homecare. The event created an inspiring environment for all involved, allowing all 140 attendees to explore a wide range of solutions addressing current and future challenges. 

Reactions like “I had no idea this existed” and “Could you organise this every year?” demonstrate the need to bring innovations closer to people and connect various stakeholders in healthcare. This was the aim of LiCalab, who organised the showcase featuring 30 exhibitors. Visitors engaged enthusiastically, listening to presentations and testing products firsthand. 

ACE consortium member Annouck De Cat (LiCalab/Thomas More), stated, In ACE, we organised workshops to identify the needs and challenges in homecare. We learned that many people are unaware of available homecare innovations. Therefore, the showcase is a crucial first step in bringing innovations closer to the public and connecting different stakeholders in homecare.”   

ACE Showcase in Turnhout, Belgium

Collaboration is essential for innovation. Care organisations and solution providers cannot work in isolation. We should innovate through co-creation, starting from the patient's perspective.

Dorien Vandormael, Innovation Manager at i-mens

“This showcase was definitely needed. The more exposure we can give to innovations, new processes, and fresh perspectives, the better. However, we must also engage politicians. Innovation in care is not just about trying new things; it is vital to ensure that best practices can be consolidated,” added Vandormael. 

Sweden: Over 500 attend showcase on future welfare technology
ACE Showcase in Höganäs, Sweden

On September 26th, over 500 people visited the new cultural centre in Höganäs, Sweden, to explore the welfare technology of the future. Twelve exhibitors presented innovative solutions designed to support elderly care. 

Among the visitors were many elderly citizens, decision-makers, and employees from the municipality and Höganäs Omsorg AB. Pensioner organisations also attended to discover future solutions.    

Among the many attendees were Anita Augustsson, 78, and Folke Lindau, 77, from Helsingborg. We were pleasantly surprised by the event; it’s exciting to see the development and activity in this field. We help an elderly neighbour and are here for that reason, but it’s also essential to stay informed and plan for oneself. That’s our responsibility,” said Anita Augustsson. 

ACE Showcase in Höganäs, Sweden

Care staff from various Swedish municipalities also attended. From Höör, Carina Nilsson (Unit Manager in Home Care), Masood Amiri (Assistant Nurse), and Afrim Gashi (Group Leader in Home Care) shared their thoughts: 

It is vital for us to explore new solutions and draw inspiration. We saw an excellent toilet seat that assists individuals in sitting down and standing up—crucial for promoting independence. We also noted several promising digital solutions, particularly in remote monitoring.

Carina Nilsson, Unit Manager in Home Care (Höör)

Höganäs is delighted with the large turnout at the showcase, and seeing so many seniors and senior organisations taking the opportunity to learn about the future of elderly care. Numerous politicians and decision-makers also participated, leading to in-depth discussions between users and exhibitors regarding needs and solutions. 

France: From fall detectors to autonomy-promoting toilets

ACE Showcase in Ploemeur, France

Biotech Santé Bretagne and CoWork'HIT organised a showcase on September 19th at the Kerpape rehabilitation centre in Ploemeur. A total of 14 solutions were demonstrated, including both French solutions and other North Sea region innovations. 

Anthony Chevallier, founder of BeClean, presented adaptable washers and dryers that can be retrofitted into existing home bathrooms without extensive modifications. This innovation allows individuals with limited mobility to maintain autonomy without altering their homes’ toilets. Chevallier highlighted how the event enabled him to connect with healthcare professionals and occupational therapists who validated the importance of his innovation, as well as patients who expressed a clear need for it. “I was delighted to present BeClean’s innovation—washers and dryers adaptable to existing toilets. The feedback from health professionals and patients was incredibly positive,” Chevallier said. 

ACE Showcase in Ploemeur, France

Pierre Cherel, co-founder of RF-Track, shared insights on their fall detection device, MySeresa.


Our algorithm achieves a drop detection rate of over 95% and a false alarm rate of less than 0.5% per month. We are looking for health facilities to test our solution and this event has allowed us to meet interested professionals.

Pierre Cherel, Co-founder of RF-Track


The Netherlands: A vision for the Empathic Home

Empathic Home, HAN University of Applied Sciences

On September 27th, HAN University of Applied Sciences hosted a showcase of the "Empathic Home," an innovative living environment—or living lab—designed to help residents with early dementia maintain their independence. Located at De Kleefse Waard industrial park, the Empathic Home employs smart technologies such as adaptive lighting, sound, and visual cues to guide residents through daily routines and address the challenges associated with dementia. 

The Empathic Home Living Lab explores how advanced home technologies can foster self-reliance and reduce the need for constant caregiver supervision, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for residents with chronic conditions. 

The showcase emphasised the power of collaboration across healthcare, technology, and construction sectors in creating homes that not only support but actively care for vulnerable individuals. The designs extend beyond dementia patients, also catering to people with disabilities and other long-term care needs. Valuable feedback from participants, including Precies!, Netwerk Dementie Eindhoven, Comfor, and Anna Zorggroep, will inform further improvements to the prototypes. 

Denmark: Promoting valuable tools to help loved ones

ACE Showcase in Aarhus, Denmark

The final ACE showcase took place in Aarhus, Denmark, with a mix of elderly citizens, service providers, researchers, and healthcare students in attendance. Six Danish solutions were presented alongside four from other North Sea Region countries. 

Among the highlights was the intelligent drinking glass Aquatime, which interested attendee Ida Hovgaard. She emphasised the potential for this technology to significantly impact private homes, particularly for individuals with care needs. Reflecting on her personal experiences, she noted how the glass could have been invaluable for helping her loved ones. Ida hopes to see further development of the product and affordable pricing, making it accessible to more individuals.

Samuel Thrysøe, an education officer for the Engineering degree in Health Technology at Aarhus University, also participated in the event. With a background aligned with welfare technology, he expressed enthusiasm about the future of tech-assisted care. Samuel believes that solutions presented at the showcase could one day be integral to his own home. However, he also identified a key challenge: the lack of integration among various IT systems in welfare technology. He stressed the importance of enhancing interoperability to improve functionality and user-friendliness. 

ACE Showcase in Aarhus, Denmark

Another innovative solution presented was the “wake technology” developed by Danish company This sensor-based technology monitors residents without invasive camera surveillance. Rather than detailed images of individuals, the system renders people as cartoon-like figures, preserving privacy while effectively tracking activities, such as how long a resident has been out of bed. This breakthrough ensures compliance with data protection laws while offering valuable monitoring capabilities. 

The event concluded with a guided tour of the welfare technology exhibition DokkX—a collaborative space for innovation where education and research institutions, businesses, the Municipality, and Aarhus citizens can work together to develop technological solutions for the future. 

Watch video recaps of our Belgium and France Showcases

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Get involved in the ACE project

Soon we will be launching the next round of cross-border pilots. Are you a care organisation or solution provider interested in participating in these pilots? 

Register on the ACE community platform: 


Full list of demonstrators

  1. HealthSkouts (BE)
  2. Attractive2wear(BE)
  3. Sfinx Inside - smart access management (BE)
  4. i-mens - care organisation: hybrid care path diabetes, hybrid home care, are we ready for robots in homecare? (BE)
  5. Entusia - stylish absorbing underwear (BE)
  6. Helpper - connecting people who need care with people who can provide this care (BE)
  7. Essity - smart personal hygiene (BE)
  8. Telas - Compression stocking that shrinks with heat (BE)
  9. Ribcap - fashionable medical helmets (BE)
  10. - efficient routing for home care professionals (BE)
  11. Spinewise - The intelligent wearable for ergonomics on the work floor (BE)
  12. ikblijfmobiel- application process of walking aids made easy (BE)
  13. Niko - home automatization (BE)
  14. ClearSafeProducts - smart drinking glass, eye drop glasses (BE)
  15. Televitas - develops technology that helps healthcare professionals and individuals with remote monitoring of health and well-being. (BE)
  16. Medicavisie - innovative health and wellness screening systems (BE)
  17. Parlangi - learn a language by connecting to native-speaking mentors (BE)
  18. Wit-Gele Kruis - care organization (BE)
  19. intelliprove- Facial scanning technology to assess your health (BE)
  20. Tops Nutrition for care  - The meal solution when swallowing is difficult (BE)
  21. Say it labs - speech recognition-based video games designed for people with speech disorders (BE)
  22. Q-pen: pen for people with Parkinson's (BE)
  23. Compaan - tablet for elderly (BE)
  24. EldersVR - development of VR experiences with in-house production team (BE)
  25. Moonbird - The first portable breath coach to relieve stress (BE)
  26. PendulumSnoezle (relaxation tent) – Two (secure door handle) -  Aimé (duomobile: bike for 2 people with music) (BE)
  27. Rollz - transformable and foldable walker (BE)
  28. OSO-AI - The increased ear of caregivers (FR)
  29. BeClean- The washing and drying toilets  (FR)
  30. Zeebox- The digital TV platform  (FR)
  31. ARKEA ON LIFE - Digital alert solutions (FR)
  32. JABI- Cognitive digital solution (FR)
  33. SONAIDE - Teleassistance box (FR)
  34. EPPUR- Wheelchair wheels for assisted manual braking  (FR)
  35. RF-TRACK- The fall detector MySeresa (FR)
  36. Prep4Care Dementia Pilot: A guide for relatives of people with dementia. (SE)
  37. Nästa generations (SE)
  38. Toalettlyft Diana (
  39. Hem – Hesti Agora(SE)
  40. Fik@rummet | Atea (SE)
  41. Minnity (SE)
  42. VSA Innovation SmartUrine (SE)
  43. Moxiam (SE)
  44. Meligo - Edwoak (SE)
  45. Nadio (SE)
  46. Mablecare - Real-Time Translation for Healthcare - Mabel AI (SE)
  47. The BD PureWick™ System - Official Site (
  48. Saus mea - Upptäck morgondagens välfärdsteknik med fokus på individen. (SE)
  49. The transgenerational houseby Aarhus Municipality (DK)
  50. e-Team for virtual visits/screen visitsWear & Care - connected diapers (DK)
  51., surveillance technology that reproduces people anonymised; developed and put into use in hospitals and nursing homes (DK)
  52. Ward 24/7 / WardHome, looks like a heart rate monitor and measures patients' values in the first few days after discharge from the hospital; creates security (DK)
  53. Aquatime - intelligent drinking glass. Reminders to drink; records fluid intake automatically and replaces fluid chart (DK)
  54. The Empathetic House by HAN University of Applied Sciences (NL)
  55. A prototypical AI-based homecare planning system was developed based on actual data sets from homecare visits and alarming data. The system enables a personalized analysis of homecare needs and a prediction of future alarms. VR Exergame to stimulate physical activity at home. A downhill skiing example where users need to collect points when carrying out targeted movement exercises. By TUHH Hamburg University of Technology (DE)